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Quality Clauses

(Quality Clauses identified with an asterisk (*) are required for all purchase orders, additional Quality Clauses are required when called out on the Purchase Order / Contract)

Those items called out on the purchase order identify the requirements hereins described, which supplement, or are in addition to any specified on the applicable drawings, specifications, and/or on subject R.F.Q. or P.O. as either case may be. Throughout this document AdelWiggins Group shall be referred to as AWG.

QCC 0001 AS9100 Quality System Requirements *

Contractor's compliance with International Standard AS 9100, as currently amended, is required in the performance of this contract.


QCC 0002 ISO 9001 Quality System Requirements *

Contractor's compliance with International Standard ISO 9001, as currently amended, is required in the performance of this contract.


QCC 0003 MIL-I-45208 Inspection System Requirements

Contractor's compliance with Military Specification MIL-I-45208, as currently amended, is required in the performance of this contract.


QCC 0004 MIL-Q-9858 Quality Program Requirements

Contractor's compliance with Military Specification MIL-Q-9858, as currently amended, is required in the performance of this contract.


QCC 0005 ISO 10012-1 Calibration Systems Requirements

Contractor's compliance with International Standard ISO 10012 as currently amended is required in the performance of this contract. Whether certified or not, the Contractor must meet this standard.


QCC 0006 Right of Entry *

Right of access shall be given by the organization to AWG, its customers, and regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of the facility and to documented information at any level of the supply chain.


QCC 0007 Commercial Item Certification

Each shipment shall be accompanied by one (1) signed reproducible copy of a Certificate of Compliance that the material furnished complies with the requirements of the Purchase Order. Authorized acceptance stamp or signature shall be affixed


QCC 0008 Quality Conformance *

The Contractors will provide a Certificate of Conformance which will include a statement of conformance to engineering and contract / purchase order requirements. The Certificate of

Conformance will also include, as a minimum, the following information: Contractor's name and address; contract/purchase order number; part or material name; part number; serial, batch, or lot number; engineering specification and/or drawing number and the applicable revision change and/or amendment; the grade, type or value, quantity; a "Mercury Free" statement; and the Country of Origin (applicable to material and parts). In addition, the Country of Origin must be stated on the shipping container.


QCC 0009 Customer Approved Process Sources Only

Contractor shall use customer approved process sources only. When an order or the parts are identified as being serialized, each certification must refer to and identify the serials numbers involved. The Certificate will also include, as a minimum, the following information: CONTRACTORS name and address; specification number and applicable revision change number and the grade, type or value and/or CONTRACTOR; and date of certification. Any deviation from the approved process sources must be made at the request of the Quality Department at AWG. Authorized acceptance stamp, signature and title shall be affixed.


QCC 0010 Certifications and Test Reports *

Each shipment shall be accompanied by one (1) signed reproducible copy of all appropriate certifications and test reports covered by specifications such as, but not limited to: heat treating, welding, magnetic particle inspection, penetrant inspection, ultrasonic inspection, surface treatment, etc. When an order or the parts are identified as being serialized, each certification must refer to and identify the serials numbers involved. The Certificate will also include, as a minimum, the following information: Contractor’s name and address; specification number and applicable revision change number and the grade, type or value and/or Contractor; and date of certification. Authorized acceptance stamp, signature and title shall be affixed. All certification shall include supplier ship to and ship from addresses providing full chain of custody traceability between all sub-tiers, processes and material certs.


QCC 0011 Heat or Melt Identification *

All parts and/or material and applicable documents, shall be identified by a heat number, heat code, heat lot number or melt number by the Contractor. All parts and/or material and applicable documents, shall be identified by a manufacturing lot or batch number by the Contractor. A lot or batch number shall be defined as parts and/or material produced by one manufacturer in one unchanged process in accordance with the same drawing and/or specification revision.


QCC 0012 Supplier Reporting of Discrepancy *

Any departure from drawings, specifications or other requirements must be recorded and submitted to AWG prior to shipment of product. Contractor shall have NO MRB authority. Any deviation from the blueprint or form the PO requires that a Q-53 form be completed per QCP-307. Please contact AWG Supplier Quality or Quality Engineer for this form. A notice of escapes shall be issued to AWG in the event of any non-conformances are discovered after fulfillment of a PO or past shipment. AWG reserves the right to issue a corrective action request for non-conformances deemed critical / systemic.



DFARS 252.225-7009 preference for domestic specialty metals requirement: Any specialty metal used in assemblies or components for this contract must be melted in the United States or in a qualifying country. Specialty metals are defined in paragraph a) of DFARS 252.225-7008. Qualifying countries are listed in paragraph a) of DFARS 252.225-7002. Mill certifications for specialty metals shall identify the country of melt source. Material chemistry shall be with the acceptable range.

QCC 0014 Government Source Inspection

Government inspection is required prior to shipment to our plant. Promptly notify the government representative who normally services your plant so that the appropriate planning for government inspection can be accomplished. On receipt of this order, promptly furnish a copy to the government representative who normally services your plant, or if none, to the nearest Army, Navy, Air Force, or Defense Supply Agency Inspection Office. In the event the representative or office cannot be located, notify the cognizant AWG buyer immediately.



Supplier must use NADCAP approved sources for special processing. A list of NADCAP approved suppliers approved by AWG can be obtained by contacting AWG Supplier Quality Technician.


QCC 0016 FOD - Foreign Object Debris *

Supplier shall ensure there is no foreign object debris inside or outside of the material, part or component being manufactured/processed. FOD is described as anything that is not part of the drawing or purchase order. For more information about FOD please refer to AWG QCP-93 or AS9146 FOD prevention program. In addition, the supplier shall ensure that a FOD prevention has been developed and is being used within the supplier’s facility.


QCC 0017 Non-Conventional Machining

All items being manufactured for AWG on this purchase order shall not be manufactured using non-conventional machining.

QCC 0018 Government Source Surveillance

All items being manufactured for AWG on this purchase order are for delivery to the Government and are subject to government source surveillance inspection at the Contractor's plant at any time. The government source representative may use Contractor's drawings, other pertinent data and facilities during surveillance. The degree of surveillance inspection shall be determined by the cognizant government source quality representative.


QCC0019 AWG Customer Source Inspection

The work scope is subject to interim inspection and test by AWG's customer at the Contractors plant at any time. AWG shall be notified five (5) days in advance of the time when the article, processes or test are ready for such inspection by AWG's customer. To arrange source inspection please contact the Director of Quality or the Supplier Quality Technician at (323) 269-9181 to schedule source inspection.


QCC 0020 AWG Source Inspection

AWG Source Inspection is required prior to shipment from Contractor's plant or at specified quality points in the manufacturing process as defined in the schedule of the contract. AWG representative shall be permitted use of Contractor's special instruments, gauges, and facilities for inspection purposes. The Director of Quality will coordinate and schedule a Quality Representative to perform the source inspection at the Contractor's facility. Contractor shall furnish contractual documents to the AWG Quality Representative as requested. To arrange source inspection please contact the Director of Quality or the Supplier Quality Technician at (323) 269-9181 to schedule source inspection, at least 3 days before source inspection is required.


QCC 0021 First Article Inspection, AWG Source

First Article Inspection shall be performed by AWG at the Contractor's facility prior to continuing production, unless otherwise directed. The First Item is to be the first production-run part and not a "hand made" prototype. The AWG representative shall be permitted use of Contractor's special instruments, gauges, and facilities to conduct this inspection. The AWG Director of Quality shall be notified in writing five (5) days in advance of the date supplies are ready for inspection. If the AWG Director of Quality is not available, the Supplier Quality Technician will be notified in a reasonable time in advance of completion of first part manufactured. The cognizant AWG buyer will coordinate and schedule a Quality Representative to perform the first item inspection at the Contractor's facility.

Notification of first item acceptance or an incremental release authorization must be received from the Director of Quality to continue production.


QCC 0022 First Article Inspection

A First Article report is required for one (1) part of each part number. The report shall include a listing of each characteristic to be inspected and the actual results recorded by variables. Only those characteristics that remain unchanged, as supplied by AWG on partially machined components, are to be excluded from the First Article inspection. First Article items submitted to AWG for its written approval shall be accompanied by the Supplier's First Article Inspection Report.

QCC 0023 AS9102 Format Inspection

A First Article report is required for one (1) part of each part number. The report shall include a listing of each characteristic to be inspected, the actual results recorded by variables on an AS9102 latest revision and available upon request.


QCC 0024 Dimensional Inspection Reports

A completed Dimensional Inspection shall be kept on file and made available for review at the request of AWG. These records shall be kept for a minimum of 10 years unless otherwise specified by contract. Any dimensional inspection report that cannot be maintained for 10 years must be offered tp AWG prior to destruction.


QCC 0025 Cleanroom Requirements

The products supplied in this PO must meet a class 100 cleanroom requirements according to FED-STD-209E.

QCC 0026 Records *

All records of inspection (including AS9102 documents) and tests performed shall maintain on file by Contractor and available for review by AWG, its customers, government, and regulatory authorities for ten (10) years or as required by contract. Copies of such records shall be furnished to AWG upon request.


QCC 0027 AWG Approved or AWG Customer Approved Vendors

Only AWG Approved or AWG Customer Approved vendors are to be used for any outside processing (non-destructive testing, plating, welding, etc.) or procurement of materials and services for this Purchase Order. The supplier shall flow down to their sub-tier contractors all requirements and quality clauses to ensure purchase order requirements are maintained. Approved vendors may be obtained by contacting AWG supplier quality or your AWG buyer.


QCC 0028 Identification of Limited Shelf-Life Materials *

The Contractor shall identify each item, package, or container of Limited Shelf-Life Material with the cure data, expiration date and special storage handling conditions, in addition to the normal identification requirements, such as part number or code number, specification number, lot number, revision number, type size and quantity. This identification, including special handling conditions, shall be recorded on certifications and shipping documents. Materials that have limited shelf-life shall be shipped to AWG with no less than 85% of that shelf life remaining.


QCC 0029 Traceability of AWG Supplied Material

All parts and/or materials furnished by AWG for processing shall be controlled by the Contractor to maintain the "as furnished" traceability identification, including serialization, if required. Materials furnished by AWG shall not be replaced or substituted with other material, regardless of specification, type or condition without prior written authorization from AWG.


QCC 0030 Counterfeit Material *

The supplier shall use only the materials which are listed in the drawing, EO, or PO. Any material substitutions will be considered unacceptable. Materials shall be listed correctly and shall not be misrepresented for materials other than that which they are. For more information on counterfeit materials please refer to AWG OP-036. In addition, the supplier shall develop and maintain a counterfeit materials program. Records of this program and any logs shall be available at the request of AWG and its customer.


QCC 0031 Traceability of Supplier's Material *

All parts and/or materials supplied shall be traceable to their point of origin (material, heat number, manufacturing lot number, etc.) and shall be specifically identified and documented to bear evidence of traceability. Copies of material test reports shall accompany the shipment or be uploaded into Micro Advantage.


QCC 0032 Inspection and Test Plan

The Contractor shall prepare and maintain a fully described and identified Inspection and Test Plan including the process flow, showing the operational sequence, inspection and test points and process control points for the items to be manufactured. Two (2) reproducible copies of the plan shall be submitted to AWG for written approval a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to contemplated start of manufacture. Test specimens (e.g. production method, number, storage conditions) shall be made available as requested for design approved, inspection/verification, investigation or auditing.


QCC 0033 Responsible Mineral Sourcing *

Seller acknowledges AWG commitment to avoid sourcing minerals from conflict affected and high risk areas in accordance with AWG corporate policies, legal obligations and existing international standards and covenants and agrees to provide AWG with supply chain data when requested by AWG in order to fulfill AWG legal obligations under the Dodd-Frank reform act. AWG may require supplier to perform due diligence on its supply chain custody relative to conflict minerals and pertinent government regulations.


QCC 0034 Process Procedure Approvals

The Contractor is required to prepare and furnish a written process procedure for written approval by AWG prior to proceeding. The procedure shall include, but not be limited to, such items as operational sequence, handling, equipment, controls, times, temperature, current, tools, calibration and Quality Assurance provisions. The procedure to be used in special processes such as heat treating, welding, non-destructive testing, etc, performed by the Contractor must have AWG approval in writing prior to performing the process.


QCC 0035 Heat Treat

The Contractor shall list the specification used (i.e. condition, class, type, etc.), with the statement that the method used was in compliance with that specification for all articles shipped. Authorized acceptance stamp or signature shall be affixed. When an order or the parts are identified as being serialized, each certification must refer to and identify the serial numbers involved.


QCC 0036 Welding

Contractor shall maintain certified status of all welding personnel and welding facilities used in performance of this contract in accordance with the listed specification on the purchase order as currently amended. Contractor shall include the specification used and a statement that welding has been performed on items being supplied in accordance with applicable specifications. Authorized acceptance stamp or signature shall be affixed.


QCC 0037 Magnetic Particle Inspection

Contractor shall maintain certified status of all magnetic particle inspection personnel used in performance of this contract in accordance with AWG purchase order specification(s), as currently amended, and processes in accordance with AWG specification(s) as indicated on the Purchase Order and as currently amended. The Contractor shall include the specification used and a statement that magnetic particle inspection has been performed on items being supplied in accordance with applicable specifications. When an order or the parts are identified as being serialized, each certification must refer to and identify the serial numbers involved.


QCC 0038 Liquid Penetrant Inspection

Contractor shall maintain certified status of all liquid penetrant inspection personnel used in performance of this contract in accordance with AWG specification , as currently amended, maintain all material used in liquid penetrant inspection in accordance with AWG specification(s) as currently amended, and all processes used in liquid penetrant inspection in accordance with AWG / Customer specs, as indicated on the Purchase Order and as currently amended. The Contractor shall include the specifications used including the acceptance criteria and a statement that liquid penetrant inspection has been performed on items being supplied in accordance with applicable specification. When an order or the parts are identified as being serialized, each certification must refer to and identify the serial numbers involved. The legible name, signature and NDT certification level of the Inspector performing the inspection shall be affixed to the certification.


QCC 0039 Ultrasonic Inspection

Contractor shall maintain certified status of all ultrasonic inspection personnel used in performance of this contract in accordance with applicable AWG specification, as currently amended, and all ultrasonic processes shall be in accordance with AWG issued specs, as currently amended. When an order or the parts are identified as being serialized, each certification must refer to and identify the serial numbers involved. Contractor shall include the specification used and a statement that ultrasonic inspection by contract method has been performed on items being supplied in accordance with applicable specifications.


QCC 0040 Radiographic Inspection (X-Ray)

Contractor shall maintain certified status of all radiographic inspection personnel used in performance of this contract in accordance with specification per AWG purchase order as currently amended, and all radiographic processes shall be in accordance with AWG specification, as currently amended. When an order or the parts are identified as being serialized, each certification must refer to and identify the serial numbers involved.

    a. Contractor shall furnish x-ray film and x-ray reports with each shipment, stating the specification used.

    b. In case of shipment of part or parts to a third party, x-ray film and x-ray reports shall be sent to AWG at the time of shipment.

    c. When part or parts are sent to another vendor for machining, re-identification, and subsequent delivery to AWG, all applicable x-ray          film and x-ray reports shall accompany the parts. This vendor must also be approved by AWG prior to start of work.


QCC 0041 Serialization

All units within a single basic part number, including spares and test units, shall be serialized by the seller. The serial numbers shall be assigned sequentially, by AWG, regardless of part number configuration (dash number), and shall contain no duplications. Units, reworked to a new configuration of the same basic part number, shall retain their original serial number. A lot or batch number shall be defined as parts and/or material produced by one manufacturer in one unchanged process in accordance with the same drawing and/or specification revision. For more information on serialization please refer to AWG QCP-079.


QCC 0042 Manufacturing Date *

The certificate of compliance shall include the manufacturing date of the material.


QCC 0043 Material Contamination Requirements (Mercury Free) *

Mercury or its compound shall not be used either as a material of construction, fabricating chemicals or tooling, except as may be specified on the drawing. Contamination by lower melting point elements or their compounds (i.e. lead, zinc, silver, etc.) is also prohibited. Control of detrimental materials shall be in accordance with paragraph 5 of MIL-STD-767.


QCC 0044 Customer Specification

This Purchase Order requires material/processing to a customer specification called out on the face of this Purchase Order. This specification is imposed by AWG's customer. Any deviation from the requirements of this specification must have prior written approval by AWG and may require AWG to request approval by our customer.


QCC 0045 Tool Proofing

Acceptance of tooling shall be contingent upon inspection and interim written acceptance by AWG of the applicable characteristics. Any rework of a tool after proofing shall again require subsequent re-proofing and AWG written approval. The Contractor shall maintain process records for molded parts which shall include mold release agents used, temperature, pressure and time cycle data for preheat, molding and cure, as applicable. This inspection shall be under the surveillance of the cognizant AWG Quality Representative at the Contractor's facilities. In this case, the Contractor shall furnish with the first shipment two (2) reproducible copies of a tool proofing certification, listing the tool number affected, and inspection variable data signed by the AWG Quality Representative. If directed by the Buyer, the items will be shipped to AWG for inspection, in which case dimensional samples must be identified with tool number, tool serial number, and when applicable, individual cavity number.


QCC 0046 Certification and Testing of MS, NAS, and Other Specification Hardware *

Each shipment shall be accompanied by one (1) signed reproducible copy of certifications covering all hardware, parts and/or materials supplied on this Purchase Order. They shall be traceable from their point of origin to AWG, including specific certification for:


   1. Material: Mill Certifications, including Physical and Chemical Testing

   2. Heat Treat

   3. Physical Testing after Heat Treat, as required.

   4. Manufacturers Certificate of Conformance, including Trade Mark

   5. Distributors Certificate of Conformance.

All certifications must have complete traceability, by lot number or similar method, through all stages of manufacture. They shall also be specifically identified and documented to bear evidence of successful completion of all required testing, with actual results, in compliance with the applicable procurement standards.


QCC 0047 Fraud, Falsification or Malpractice *

Activities hereunder are within the jurisdiction of Department of Energy and/or the Department of the Navy/Defense and/or Government Agencies. Any knowing and willful act to falsify, conceal, or alter a material fact, or any false, fraudulent or fictitious statement or representation in connection with the performance of work statement or representation in connection with the performance of work may be punishable in accordance with applicable Federal Statutes. The Contractor agrees that all employees engaged in the performance shall be, if they have not been previously informed in writing prior to their commencing performance of work that there is a risk of Federal criminal penalties associated with any falsification, concealment or misrepresentation in connection with the performance of this work. The Contractor further agrees that a signed statement shall be, if it has not been previously obtained from said employees prior to their commencing performance of work that they have been so informed. Such statements shall be retained by the Contractor for at least one (1) years after final payment. The Contractor is to include the following statement on each manufacturing, inspection or test record used.

NOTE: The recording of false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entries on this document may be punished as a felony under Federal Statutes including Federal Law, Title 18, Chapter 47.


QCC 0048 Rated Order

This is a rated order certified for national defense use, and you are required to follow all the provisions of the Defense Priorities and Allocations System regulation (15CFR 350).

QCC 0049 Resubmission of Nonconforming Articles or Materials *

Nonconforming articles or material returned by AWG and subsequently resubmitted by the Contractor shall bear identification of such nonconformances, either on the articles, materials or applicable supplier records. Reference shall be made to AWG's nonconforming document. Evidence must be provided by the Contractor that the cause for the nonconformance has been corrected and actions taken to prevent recurrence.


QCC 0050 Calibration Certifications

Each shipment shall be accompanied by one (1) signed reproducible copy of a certification for the calibrations performed. The certification must contain a statement of compliance to AWG purchase order specification and the following: ISO10012-1. Certification should include measurement equipment used and traceability to NIST.


QCC 0051 Control of Government Property

The supplier will maintain and administer a system in accordance with sound industrial practice and, if it is government Property, in accordance with Part 45 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is hereby incorporated by reference, to Control, protect, preserve, and maintain all GOVERNMENT property in its possession.


QCC 0052 Terms and Conditions *

Contractor shall comply with the entire agreement listed on purchase order under the "Terms and Conditions" requirements. For further information see Adel's website.


QCC 0053 100% Inspection - Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Evidence of inspection - Supplier shall furnish evidence of SPC (control plan, key characteristics and Process capability) or 100% inspection with last article documented for actual dimensions. For more information about SPC please refer to AWG GSP-569.


QCC 0054 Supplier Delegate

The contents of this PO are subject to the AWG supplier delegate program. Supplier shall ensure that parts have been inspected and that all drawing call outs and notes have been followed. Supplier will stamp the boxes, the Certificate of Conformance, and the QCP-230 Shipping Inspection Checklist. Supplier must upload all applicable certifications prior to shipment or include them with the shipping documents.


QCC 0055 Additional Flow Down Requirements *

As a minimum the following articles apply to this PO as noted below. Suppliers and their sub-tier suppliers are responsible for the conformance to these requirements as applicable to the product or service being procured.

  1.  The requirements for approval of product, procedures, processes and equipment as specified on this purchase order.

  2. The requirements for qualification of personnel as specified on this purchase order.

  3. The requirement for compliance of the Quality Management System as specified on this purchase order.

  4. The identification and revision status of specifications, drawings, process requirements, inspection/verification instructions and other relevant technical data.

  5. The requirements for design, test, inspection, verification (including production process verification), use of statistical techniques for product acceptance, and related instructions for acceptance by the organization, and as applicable critical items including key characteristics.

  6. The requirements for test specimens (e.g., production method, number, storage conditions) for design approval, inspection/verification, investigation or auditing.

  7. The requirements regarding the need for the supplier to:

    • Notify the AWG of nonconforming product Reference clause 0012

    • Obtain AWG approval for nonconforming product disposition. Reference clause 0012

    • Notify the AWG of changes in product and/or process, changes of suppliers, changes of manufacturing facility location and, where required, obtain AWG's approval.

    • Flow down to the supply chain these applicable requirements including customer requirements.

  8. Record retention requirements for 10 years. Reference clause 0026

  9. Removed

  10. Steps should be taken to ensure that fraud and malpractice are avoided. Should fraud be discovered, the supplier is required to notify AWG immediately in writing, advising of the fraud and product(s) or service(s) that may be affected.


QCC 0056 PRI QPL Listing Requirement

As a minimum the supplier must be listed on the PRI QPL (qualified product listing). Product supplied to this specification shall be manufactured by an accredited manufacturer as listed in the Performance Review Institute (PRI) Qualified Products List (QPL). This requirement can be verified at


QCC 0057 Employee Awareness *

The supplier shall ensure that employees are aware of their contribution to product or service conformity and product safety. The supplier shall also ensure that all persons are aware of the importance of ethical behavior and impact of Human Factors..


Any unethical behavior must be reported to AdelWiggins group immediately upon discovery.


QCC 0058 Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting *

252.204.7012 – Safeguarding covered defense information and cyber incident reporting. Within 72 hours of any data breach incident the breach must be reported to AdelWiggins IT (information technology) department. Adequate security shall be provided by the contractor to safeguard all covered contractor information systems and media. Media can include, but is not limited to: CDs, thumb drives, hard drives, floppy disks, or other device where information is stored or printed. Any external provider hosting or otherwise in possession of sensitive information shall be included in this requirement to report system or data breaches. In the event that malicious software is discovered within the contractor’s network, the contractor shall take appropriate steps to isolate the software and report the incident to AdelWiggins IT department. Any portion of this clause that is unclear or is unable to be met in full or in part shall be discussed with AdelWiggins IT department.


QCC 0059 No Metal to Metal Contact *

The supplier shall package the shipment to avoid metal to metal contact. Metal to metal contact should be avoided throughout the shipping process. Any damage incurred in shipping will be sent back to the contractor at the contractors’ expense.


QCC 0060 Lead-Free Solder *

The supplier shall use only lead-free solder type as concurred with AWG Engineering, in the manufacture of these parts. Any deviation from this requirement will require an AWG Q-53 deviation form to be submitted prior to shipment or the order will be rejected upon inspection and sent back to the supplier at their expense.


QCC 0061 NADCAP Dimensional Inspection Report

Supplier shall dimensionally inspect and record the dimensional ranges of the NADCAP parts for this purchase order. These parts shall be inspected per the AS industry standard drawing as well as per the AWG drawing as well as per the AWG part number drawing. These dimensions may be recorded on one document that separates the AS requirements and AWG requirements or may be recorded on two separate documents. A sample form Q-28 may be obtained by contacting AWG supplier quality. These dimensional inspection reports shall be supplied with the shipment. Failure to include these inspection reports may be cause for rejection which could affect the supplier’s quality and on time delivery rating and may be cause for corrective action.


QCC 0062 LEVEL 1 Requirement

LEVEL 1 Requirements are in effect for this contract. Reference QCP-340 including Appendix A, B, C, D, E and F (as applicable). Supplier ‘s performing work or services in accordance with this AWG specification shall establish and maintain a quality system, which will assure the quality and adequacy of the item or service provided. To ensure that a quality system is in place, AWG or its Customer may insist that the organization demonstrate that the quality system conforms to the following: ISO9000, MIL-I-45208 or MIL-Q9858A..


QCC 0063 Workmanship *

Parts shall be free from dents, dings, scratches, metal to metal contact, discolorations, FOD, illegible identification, ink on the part, excess flashing, and other such visual defects that may be considered visually unappealing. The supplier shall enforce this requirement with the supplier's sub-tier. Should the order be questionable the supplier shall contact AdelWiggins quality department to verify acceptability prior to shipment or the supplier shall submit a Q-53 deviation waiver prior to shipment. Any order deemed as having poor workmanship will be rejected and sent back to the supplier for rework or replacement.


QCC 0064 Cyber Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) *

Adelwiggins is committed to compliance with United States Government requirements regarding cybersecurity and cyber incident reporting. This includes implementing adequate security requirements outlined in NIST SP 800-171, and implemented in the applicable FAR and DFARS clauses (FAR 52.204-21 and DFARS 252.204-7014, 252.204-7020, 252.204-7021). Adelwiggins safe guarding obligations extend not only to information received from the government during contract performance, but also to any covered defense information that is collected, developed, received, used, or stored by or on behalf of Adelwiggins in support of the performance of the contract. In the event Adelwiggins determines it will need to disclose Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) or Covered Defense Information (CDI) with any vendor, supplier, or subcontractor ("Seller"), the seller shall provide an acknowledgement and certification of compliance with the foregoing regulatory provisions.

QCC 0065 Boeing Flow Down

AWG suppliers to comply with the following Boeing requirements; POQ29, X31764, Acceptance Authority Media, D1-4426, U40 and Q320 (NOE) for all Boeing products. “Assure Boeing special processes, production of raw material and the procurement of an elected part standards are performed in accordance with contractually established engineering specifications, drawings and quality requirements”.

QCC 0066 Compliance with EU/UK Import Regulations *

As part of the EU and UK’s expanded sanctions, effective September 30, 2023, product containing Russian iron or steel, imported into the UK/EU is strictly prohibited. The supplier shall be prepared to present a Mill Test Certification (MTC) upon request by customs authorities or AdelWiggins Group, specifying the country of melt source for any metals in the components

QCC 0067  G-11 Procurement Document Identification for Human Spaceflight Items

For use in human spaceflight, materials, manufacturing, and workmanship of highest quality standards are essential to astronaut safety. If you are able to supply the desired items with a quality which is higher than that of the items specified or proposed, you are requested to bring this fact to the immediate attention of the purchaser.

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